Code of Conduct for
Supply Chain InstallerGroup

Our commitment to responsible business behavior can only be fulfilled if our suppliers and business partners also act according to our set of values. Therefore, this supplier code (here in after referred to as the “supplier code”) has been developed to clearly communicate our requirements to our suppliers.
Our suppliers are expected to meet these requirements throughout their relationship with InstallerGroup and its subsidiaries.

Purpose – Why do we have a supplier code?

In InstallerGroup, we promote corporate responsibility and sustainability, also in our supply chains. We work closely with our suppliers and business partners to achieve this goal. We have therefore drawn up this supplier code to illustrate what we expect from our suppliers and business partners.

Our supplier code summarizes the basic ethical positions and integrity standards that are shared across all companies within the InstallerGroup (here in after referred to as “IG”). It outlines our key ethical principles and requirements for issues that can have significant business, legal and reputational consequences if handled incorrectly.

When selecting new suppliers, emphasis will be placed on social, environmental and integrity standards. This code covers human rights, labor rights, children’s rights, the environment and corruption.

Application – Who must follow the Code?

The Supplier Code applies to suppliers – including contractors, agents and consultants – who have a contractual obligation to comply with it. This includes the suppliers’ employees at all levels, board members, employed staff, consultants and others who act on behalf of or represent the supplier.

IG also expects suppliers to do their best to ensure that corresponding standards are met within their own sphere of influence, in particular by their own suppliers.

You can read more about our Supply Chain Code of Conduct here.